With the widespread use of technologies like GPS and Intemet-connected cameras, parents can now keep an eye on
their children wherever they are.
The combination of high-tech tools and highly-protective parents has set off the creation of a GPS-equipped
wristwatch that allows parents to listen in real time to what their children are doing. The device has caused complaints from
teachers since some parents began equipping their children with the watch so they can listen in on what happens at school.
A teacher surnamed You at a well-known primary school in Pudong New Area discovered
someone was eavesdropping(
) on her lessons after a parent of one of her students posted
something she said online while class was still on. You soon found out the parent had given her child a watch that could
send out the sounds in the classroom to her mobile phone. Soon, other parents decided to equip their own children with the
You was annoyed to find out her students' parents were spying on her. It made her feel as if they distrusted her. After
You told her fellow teachers what had happened, they discovered that some of their students were also wearing the watches.
To keep an eye on their children
nowadays _______________________________________
To keep an eve on their children, nowadays many parents are using a high-tech wristwatch when they are at school.
Despite its convenience to the parents, teachers hold an negative attitude as they feel their lessons are spied on.
Generally, I stand on the teacher’s side. To begin with, those parents are caring too much for their children. Children
are sent to school just to learn to be independent. With parents’ 24 hour care, how can they? Secondly, wearing the
wristwatch which often sends out sounds, it’s unavoidable students will be distracted in class, resulting in their
underachievement in study. Last but most importantly, just as the teachers have argued, this equipment is a symbol of
distrust in schools and an invasion of privacy to teachers and other students. No one can base their own convenience on
others’ inconvenience.
Due to the above-mentioned reasons, I don’t support those parents’ practice.