Improving our lives
AI & Humans
Definition of AI
Artificial intelligence is a type of computer techn
ology which is concerned with making machines wo
rk in an intelligent way, similar to the way that the
human mind works. The abbreviation AI is also used
The Origin of AI
John McCarthy, an American computer sci
entist and cognitive scientist, coined the t
erm in 1955,defining it as "the science an
d engineering of making intelligent machi
Three rooms contain a person, a computer, and
an judge.
The judge can communicate with the other two
by “teleprinter” (or, say, AIM).
The judge tries to determine which is the
person and which is the machine.
The machine tries to fool the judge into
believing that it is the person.
If the machine succeeds, then we conclude that
the machine can think.
Artificial Narrow
Intelligence (ANI)
Artificial General
Intelligence (AGI)
Artificial Super
Intelligence (ASI)
Main Kinds of AI
Today, the board game;
Tomorrow, the world
Try to list the successful examples of AI mentioned in the passage in a chronological order.
Why was AI designed to challenge in the game of Go?
What contributed to the success of Alphago
according to the passage?
What does “dystopia” mean?
Do you believe in it?
What do you think of the success of Alphago?
Does it really mean a shame to Lee Se-dol,
even the whole human race?
①Robotics (self-driving cars, etc.)
③Medical diagnosis
④Games (board games)
⑥Recommending you goods on the Internet
……too many to count
What Can AI Do Now?
What Can’t AI Do (Yet)?
①Understand and learn natural language
②Surf the Internet
③Interpret an arbitrary visual scene
④Evaluate a movie
⑤Perform life-long learning
“AI has by now succeeded in doing
essentially everything that requires
‘thinking’ but has failed to do most of
what people and animals do ‘without
----------Donald Knuth
A computer scientist
Will AI ever
be able to
Topic: Should We Advocate The Development
of Artificial Intelligence?
1.Elaborate your point of view by presenting the status quo of AI
advance, as well as your future prediction.
2. If you subscribe to the AI development, please show us how to
with the limitations of AI nowadays.
3. If you are against the AI development, please state your ideas
in a structural manner.
4. You are advised to complete your essay within 100 English words.
Try to list the successful examples of AI mentioned in the
passage in a chronological order.
In the 1950s-----mastery of noughts and crosses
In 1997-----Deep Blue vs Garry Kasparov
In 2011-----IBM’s Watson (in Jeopardy)
In 2016-----AlphaGo vs Lee Se-dol (4-1 Go)
Why was AI designed to challenge in the game of Go?
Go is more complicated than any other versions of
chess. Its possible moves within a game exceed the
number of atoms within the universe. Indeed it can
only be mastered by computers assembled into
neural networks that teach themselves through
observation and practice — abilities that remain at
the frontiers of computer science.
What contributed to the success of Alphago according to
the passage?
largely due to the huge amount of cash being
poured into AI research by US and Chinese
companies. These are employing some of the
brightest computer scientists from universities,
giving them the capacity and tools to pursue
their heart’s desire.
What does dystopia mean in the passage?
disastrous state of the entire world caused by
inappropriate uses of AI.